
obudowy i izolacje

Claddings and insulations

We deliver and install façade and roof claddings using sandwich panels, trapezoidal sheet systems, cassettes and roofs made of trapezoidal sheet, mineral wool and membrane. Our tasks include modernization of existing structures and work carried out on new build facilities.

Remonty chłodni kominowych i wentylatorowych

Renovation of cooling towers

We provide comprehensive repairs of the natural and induced draft cooling towers, including the repair of reinforced concrete structures, and modernization of internal devices and additional equipment of the cooling towers.

Zabezpieczanie i remonty konstrukcji żelbetowych

Protection and renovation of concrete structures

We protect reinforced concrete structures of newly erected buildings and renovations of existing ones reinforced concrete structures, such as industrial chimneys, silos, fuel storage tanks, infrastructure facilities and towers with using our own suspended platforms, scaffoldings and rope access techniques.

Antykorozja i remonty konstrukcji stalowych

Corrosion protections for steel structures

We provide corrosion protections for steel structures, both new build and existing ones, and carry out modernizations of steel structures. For performing those tasks we use our own aggregates for sandblasting, water jetting and spray painting.

Remonty konstrukcji hydrotechnicznych

Renovation of hydrotechnical constructions

We provide renovation and modernisation of inland hydrotechnical constructions (weirs, dams, locks, hydropower plants, channels). In order to perform these works we use own pontoon bridge.

Betony natryskowe


We provide services for spraying concrete (shotcreting), both using ready-made shotcrete and the recipe we developed, using our own equipment.

Inne remonty oraz wznoszenie obiektów przemysłowych

Other renovations and erections of industrial structures

Based on our experience, human and equipment resources, we provide other, including unusual, repairs of industrial, energy and infrastructure constructions. We also carry out erection, extension and reconstruction of industrial halls.

Pozostałe usługi specjalistyczne

Other specialised services

We also provide other specialized services, including:

  • providing expert opinions and performing inspections of industrial facilities (cooling towers, chimneys)
  • repairs and modernization of fuel storage tanks
  • assembly, disassembly, lease of scaffoldings
  • demolition of industrial constructions